These are our top tips for caring for plants


Plants should be chosen based on the light you receive.

Are the Plant Bundles that you love the best ones? The #1 rule of (green thumb) is to measure the amount of natural sunlight your space receives and to select your plants accordingly. Start by finding the direction that your windows face.

According to the general rule, north-facing windows provide low light. East-facing windows are brighter than west-facing ones. You should also consider whether there is anything outside of your window, such as a large tree or a building that could block sunlight.

Choose plants that fit your needs

Are you new to the world of plant parenthood? Unintentional neglect can be caused by a busy schedule, forgetfulness, or a social life. It’s okay. You can find plants that can adapt to this lifestyle. You might consider a few attention-loving orchids, ferns, and air plants if you have more time. A mist for the eyes, a little extra water between waterings will help to maintain a healthy humidity level for these delicate plants.

Watering is a delicate process.

It is better to water your plants less than you overwater them. Root rot can be caused by too much water. You should stop following a watering schedule. Only water your plant when it is absolutely necessary. Make sure to check the soil or potting mix first to ensure it is dry 2 inches below the surface. If the soil feels damp, has a dark color and sticks to your finger then it is not dry enough.

The frequency with which you water your plants will change throughout the year. Winter months are when plants need less water because they grow slower and the sunlight is less intense. They may need more water if the heat is on or their soil is drying faster. A thirsty plant may have wilting leaves or soil that is pulling away from the planter.

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When necessary, raise humidity levels

Your plant will thrive indoors if you keep it true to its natural environment. The majority of tropical plants like high humidity and bright, indirect light. Grouping plants of similar species together during winter helps create a humid microclimate. You can also use a humidifier to help increase humidity. Desert dwellers, on the other hand, prefer bright, direct sunlight and dry air. They don’t care about humidity.

Keep temperatures steady

Maintain a stable environment for your plants. Extreme temperature changes can cause stress to plants. Avoid placing plants in direct contact with A/C units or forced-air vents. This can cause hot and cold drafts.

When to skim fertilizer

Use fertilizer sparingly on your houseplants. Over-application of fertilizer can cause more harm than good. Houseplants don’t need to be fertilized as often as plants outside. If you do decide to fertilize your houseplant, do it during the growing season (early fall to early spring) and remember the rule of thumb “less is more”. Most fertilizers purchased in stores should be mixed with water before using.

You can fertilize your plant if it has been around for at least one year. Use an all-purpose fertilizer. Follow the directions. You can skip fertilizer if you have just amended the soil. You can get enough nutrients from fresh soil.

Reliable sources are the best

You should only purchase plants from trusted sources such as The Sill, your local garden center, specialty shops, or florists. If you purchase from a source that has plant experts on-site, they will be able to answer any questions. People who work or sell plants love to talk about them. We do.

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Avoid large supermarkets and department stores if you are a new parent. These places often store plants in dark basements or warehouses. You should inspect your plant for signs such as yellow leaves, powdery mildew and brown tips.